We Made it to Rosario, Argentina (a.k.a Our New Home)!
We made it! It was one heck of a journey from Sydney to Queenstown, NZ to Rotorua, NZ to Auckland, NZ and then Buenos Aires, but we’re finally moved into our new place in Rosario. I just wanted to give a little update on how everything went, as I’ve been getting some questions that I haven’t had a chance to respond to. (It’s been a bit crazy + we JUST got the internet in our place.) And I’ll start posting on our New Zealand trip next week.

We are most definitely going to need to learn Spanish, haha. I actually start Spanish school on Monday, which I’m very excited about. But it also means I will be dedicating nearly all of my free time to learning the language, and may not be quite as responsive to blog/social media comments, emails, etc. as I typically try to be. I’m thinking this will be the case for the next month, and then I will switch to a less demanding class schedule, but we shall see.
Overall, I am pleasantly surprised just how much I am enjoying Rosario! Absolutely every person I have met here has been so incredibly kind and has really gone out of their way to make me feel welcome (especially our upstairs neighbour, who is also my husband’s coworker – a big thank you!).
There are some things that are obviously very different and taking some getting used to. (The language barrier is the biggest one.) One of them is the sidewalks are a bit treacherous, as they are rather uneven and broken in most spots. (I also realize all of the photos I’ve managed to post in here of really good sidewalks in the city, which are far and few.) Oh, and pedestrians DO NOT have the right of way, haha. If you do not look both ways and walk in front of traffic, people will not stop for you! I was also shocked that there are no laundromats. I actually had to take my dirty laundry to a laundry service today, and a lovely lady there will wash it and deliver it to my apartment for an incredibly reasonable rate! But perhaps the biggest shock was just how bland the food is. I’m not trying to be mean, but Argentinan food has zero spices in it. It’s crazy! And dinner doesn’t typically start until after 9 p.m. or as late as 11 p.m. on the weekends! (Most restaurants won’t even open until 8:30 p.m.)
I’ve also been getting asked about crime here. There is very little violent crime here. However, petty theft is a pretty big issue. I won’t use my cell phone much at all when I am outside, as iPhones are the number one thing to get stolen right out of your hands here. I’m also using a very old crossbody bag to carry my things in. (I don’t know if I’ll be using my novelty bags or Kate Spade bag while I’m here, as those are pretty easy targets for theft.)
Another question that has been coming up is the clothing style in Argentina. I don’t know if I have a very good feel for it just yet, but I can say that it is more casual in comparison to what I was used to in the United States, Tokyo and Sydney. For now, my own style will be reflecting that as I’m trying not to stand out SO much until I get a better sense of the area and language. Get ready for some outfit posts featuring jeans! Haha.
Oh, and I will not be doing a whole lot of online ordering for the time being…as that is something that is not worth your time in Argentina. If you order something and have it shipped to your address in Argentina, it will likely take months and you’ll be hit with some crazy taxes. So, any online stuff I get will have to hang out at my Mom’s house in the United States until I return home to visit! (Thanks, Mom!)
But overall, I am really excited about our new journey here in Rosario! These past few days have been a whirlwind but in a very positive way. We have met so many wonderful people who have been willing to help us and answer all of our questions (and translate for us when we are struggling). This is a city with a lot of character and culture and I can’t wait to explore it, even more, this weekend!
That’s all I know so far! Haha. I just wanted to let everyone know how things are going down here and what my initial impressions were. I’ll be back to my normal travel/outfit posts on Monday. I hope everyone has a great weekend! And let me know what your thoughts are on Argentina in the comments! Were my impressions close to what you thought? Or did you have a different image of Argentina?
I do apologise for the quality of these photos, I’ve only been using my phone to quickly snap photos these past few days..as my camera batteries are dead and I’m in need of a new charger. Whoops!
We wanted to visit Rosario during our trip to Argentina a couple of years back, but it never happened because we didn’t have enough time. Your post really makes me want to go there… maybe some day 🙂
Good luck with learning Spanish and enjoy your time there!
Thank you so much! And I hope you get to return one day! I’m really enjoying Rosario. 🙂
Congrats on making it to your new destination! I hope you truly love it there 🙂 Fingers crossed that you learn Spanish really fast 🙂 Take care and happy home making!
Thank you so much, Ashley! 🙂
Babe, that sounds sooo exciting!!! I had no idea there were so many cultural difference to what we are used to! I can’t imagine eating that late (10-10:30 is when the restaurants/pubs in here kindly ask you to leave) and not using my mobile while outside sounds a bit crazy too! Wouldn’t expect the food to be bland either, would always imagine Argentinian dishes to be full of flavour! That’s definitely a country full of surprises! How’s your Spanish course going btw? I heard the language is relatively easy to learn?
All the best and keep us updated with everything, first weeks in a new place are always the most exciting!
Mal Xx
Thank you so much for reading! Oh yes, many surprises! Haha. But it has all been a fun learning experience. And Spanish is going well so far. Only 3 days into the course, though. Hopefully, I’ll pick it up quickly. 🙂
Interesting post! Happy Easter! ????????
Thanks! Happy Easter to you too!
Hi Lindsey,
I am happy to hear that you arrived safely and discovering Rosario. I hope you will find some laundry service close to your house soon. And be careful when you cross the roads- it does not sound very safe if the cars don’t stop. I like the photos that you shared with us. Rosario looks like a nice city and I am sure you will fall in love with it soon. I can’t wait to read more about your life in Argentina. And sorry about the food. I hope not all Argentinian food is bland.
Thank you so much, Miri! I am already starting to fall in love. There are just many things that are different here – but that’s ok! It’s a fun learning experience. And I’m starting to find some restaurants that use a little spice. I’m also going to buy some of my own spices when I head back to the United States next week. 🙂
It all sounds so fascinating! I’m so surprised the food is bland, but I guess you never know. Good luck with the Spanish! 🙂
Thank you, Laurie! 🙂
I agree the lateness of the dinner hour was hard to adapt to. And I’m so curious about the things like mail order and navigating sidewalks that you identified right away. There are some great in-country brands that you may discover in brick and mortar. and while Rosario may be casual, just wait til you get to BA–the women there dress much more imaginatively–it’s like a cross between New York and Paris–you’ll feel more at home there sartorially in all likelihood.
And those sunsets in the southern cone, they take your breath away, for sure! Can’t wait to hear more.
Fortunately, my husband and I are night owls. So, adapting to the late dinner hasn’t been too hard on us now. But, it is interesting how late it can get some nights. Haha.
Ah yes, and I was in BA for a few days and did notice there was a wide variety of styles. 🙂 But the sunsets! Every night has been amazing. I love it!
Thank you so much for stopping by Bryony.
I’m so glad you made it LIndsey!!
I know when we were there, we hated the part about eating dinner so late. In fact we still laugh about going to this restaurant at 7:30 (which is late for us) and asking if they were open. And the guy seemed so taken aback that we wanted to eat then!!! Craziness.
Good luck with the spanish lessons. We just took some last semester thinking we might move to Equador—but that’s on the back burner now…
Thank you, Jodie! It is incredible how late they eat here! Fortunately, my hubby and I aren’t having too hard of a time adapting to that part. And wow – Equador? How fun!! Hope that opportunity arises again! 🙂