My Honest CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask Review
Wondering whether or not the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask is worth it? This post is my honest CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask review.
When it comes to at-home beauty tools, I am generally not even a little bit interested. The last time I purchased one, it was the battery-powered Conair face exfoliator… and I’m pretty sure that thing scrubbed my face right off and made my breakouts 10 times worse than they already were. After that, I’ve said, “No thank you!” to every at-home beauty tool that’s come my way.
That was, until 6 months ago when I heard about the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask. LED light therapy for skin has been gaining popularity in recent years, and I asked a couple of different local aestheticians about it. They all had nothing but great things to say about this mask, especially when it came to diminishing fine lines and breakouts, and they said it had virtually no negative side effects.
The claims for this mask are that it improves fine lines and wrinkles, balances skin tone and evens tone, and reduces texture as well as brightens skin.
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I was still a little skeptical. I mean, this just sounded a little too good to be true, and the thing cost almost $400. However, I was also toying with the idea of getting Botox for some of the lines on my face that were getting a little too deep for my personal taste, and Botox is by no means inexpensive, nor is it permanent. Those lines are all I can see when I look in the mirror, and I am still getting breakouts on top of it!
So, I took the kind folks over at CurrentyBody up on their offer to send me a mask to test out, and see if it lived up to the hype!
Note: the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask is FDA-approved.
In this comprehensive review, I’ll share my in-depth analysis of the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask, including the science behind it, the results it delivered for me, before and after photos, and whether or not I think it’s truly worth the investment. If you’ve been curious about incorporating LED light therapy into your skincare routine, read on to discover if this mask actually lives up to all the hype surrounding it.
Understanding LED Light Therapy for Skin
Before I get into the specifics of the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask, let’s first get a basic understanding of what LED light therapy does for the skin.
Unlike traditional skin care treatments that rely on topical products, LED light therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to target various skin concerns. Each wavelength is supposed to penetrate the skin at different depths to stimulate cellular processes and promote overall skin health.
One of the key advantages of LED light therapy is its non-invasive nature, which makes it suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin like mine. The different wavelengths of light, such as red, blue, and near-infrared, each serve different purposes in addressing concerns ranging from acne and inflammation to fine lines and wrinkles.
The versatility of LED light therapy extends beyond its targeted approach to skincare concerns. Its ability to enhance overall skin vitality and radiance makes it a compelling addition to any comprehensive skincare regimen.
Note: According to Harvard there are not enough studies at this time to say definitively that LED light therapy produces lasting results for skincare.
A Little Background About My Skin
I think it’s important with reviews of skincare products and tools to understand the person’s skin who is reviewing it. This is because someone with skin that is different from mine may have different results.
My skin is considered combination. It is both oily and dry – fun! It’s also prone to monthly hormonal breakouts, and now that I’m getting later into my 30s, I also have my share of fine lines, and one rather deep line in between my eyebrows that has made me consider Botox.
My hope with this mask was to diminish these lines to the point I didn’t feel compelled to try Botox (specifically the one in between my eyebrows) and to hopefully reduce some of my breakouts on top of it.
I also have rather sensitive skin, so I did a test with the mask on my arm before to make sure it did not turn red or have any adverse effects. CurrentBody recommends everyone do this before using the mask for the first time, though, regardless of whether or not you have sensitive skin. (I did not have any bad effects from doing the test.)
How the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask Works
The CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask is designed to use the power of all three of these key wavelengths of light: red, blue, and near-infrared. Each of these wavelengths plays a different role in promoting skin health and addressing specific concerns.
The red light, is supposed to penetrate the skin’s surface and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin and is used in reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Then, the blue light emitted by the mask targets the bacteria responsible for acne breakouts, which is used to minimize inflammation and promote a clearer complexion.
Additionally, the near-infrared light is said to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin and is used to promote circulation and create a more radiant appearance.
Using The LED Mask
The mask is meant to be used 3-5 times a week on freshly cleansed skin that is free of any products. I use it first thing after I get out of the shower in the morning. It is set to stay on for 10 minutes and then it shuts off. I charge it roughly every 3 weeks.
The flexible silicone material conforms to the contours of the face, so you have consistent light exposure across your entire face. The flexible material is also nice because it’s lightweight and easy to throw in a suitcase if you want to take it on a trip with you. Plus, it comes with a dust cover.
Overall, it’s pretty comfortable to wear and doesn’t feel warm or anything like that. However, I might have a weird-shaped face or ears, as I can’t really move very much when I’m wearing it, or the hook behind my ears will fall off. I have to just lay in bed with it on.
This drove me nuts at first. However, I started using this time to make myself relax and meditate. It has actually become a part of my morning routine that I look forward to now.
CurrentBody also sends, what are essentially, tanning goggles. These are to be used if the light from the mask bugs your eyes. I used these the first couple of times I used the mask, as the light did make my eyes sensitive. But now, I don’t feel the need to use them anymore. That said, I do keep my eyes closed when it’s on, as the light is just too bright to read or look at my phone.
Once I’m done, I clean it with some alcohol wipes, let it dry, and stick it back in its dust cover.
My Before and After With CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask
I have been using the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask for 6 months now. I typically use it 5 times a week. I have also used the same skincare products throughout the duration of this 6 months, they are:
- Jan Marini Face Cleanser
- Jan Marini Vitamin C Serum (in the morning)
- Jan Marini Clear Lotion (in the morning)
- Jan Marini Transformation Face Cream
- 8-in-1 Bio Serum
- Retinol (at night)
- Valmont Prime Renewing Pack (sporadically, maybe once a month)
- Eye Gel
Please note, I did have permanent eyeliner tattooed on, and microblading done. And I’ve gone through a few different stages of eyelash extensions. So, that does alter the look of my makeup-free face a bit. I also had IPL therapy done to my hairline to remove the discoloration there – so, the disappearance of those sun spots was NOT due to the mask.
Before Photo
This is what my face looked like before I started using the mask. Again, I have some fine lines and would typically get some monthly hormonal breakouts. (Gross, I know).
4 weeks of use photo
This is what my face looked like after 4 weeks of use. I am starting to see results from it in terms of my acne clearing up, I still feel like my fine lines are about the same, though.
After 3 months of consistent use, I really felt like my fine lines were becoming less noticeable, and I wasn’t constantly Googling “Botox near me!” I was also having virtually no breakouts.
After photos of 6 months of use
Now, after 6 months of use, my fine lines are still there, but not as obvious when I look in the mirror. My skin is the brightest and clearest it has ever looked, and I am having no major breakouts.
I also thought it was cool that when I had my eyeliner tattooed on and my microblading done, my aesthetician encouraged me to continue using the mask, as it would help with the healing process. I also didn’t have to stop using it when I had IPL therapy done on my hairline.
However, if I stop using this mask, I do start to have zits reappear and the fine lines start coming back. I didn’t use it at all when I was in Greece for a couple of weeks in early September, and I do feel my skin started to revert back to its normal state. So, it’s not something that can be used for a certain and then never touched again. You will have to keep using it consistently to keep your results.
Is the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask Worth It?
I am shocked to say this, but, yes. This mask is worth it. I can’t get over how much better my skin looks after using this thing. I did have to put in the time and use it consistently for a few months to see seriously noticeable results, but it’s absolutely worth it. I don’t even buy zit cream anymore! And Botox will have to wait, as I no longer feel the need to do that.
It’s also nice because, unlike expensive skincare products, this is a one-time buy, and you’re done. You don’t have to keep buying anything every few months. You just buy the mask one time and use it as often as you can!
And while the mask is typically $380, they do run some good sales on occasion (especially closer to the holidays), and my readers get 10% off with code LINDSEYCB. So, that’s cool.
CurrentBody does also have some different skincare products you can use with the mask, that they say works well, but I have not personally tried them yet. I just kept using my Jan Marini products after I took the mask off.
Where to Buy CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask
While there are several options available for purchasing the mask online, I would say it’s in your best interest to just order it directly from CurrentBody. This is because you will have access to their customer support, you will get a 2-year warranty to cover any manufacturing faults, AND they offer a 60-day money-back guarantee on CurrentBody LED devices if you are not satisfied with your results.
Final Thoughts on This LED Mask
This is a fantastic addition to my normal skincare routine. Is it a silver bullet that cured all my skincare needs? No. I do still have fine lines, and I had sun spots that need to be removed with IPL. But this LED mask does make a big difference for me in terms of my skin’s overall appearance and the fact I no longer get breakouts.
Again, this is also something that will need to be used consistently to see results. It took me 3 months to get the results others raved about, and if I stop using it, I do see my results starting to diminish.
The mask is pricey, there’s no way around it. However, you can get 10% off with code LINDSEYCB. They are also hinting at having a BIG Black Friday sale, that would be worth waiting for. If you subscribe to my newsletter below, I do send out a list of my top Black Friday deals AND you’ll get my Secret Guide to the Top Online Shopping Sites.
If anyone has any questions about this CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask Review, don’t hesitate to reach out in the comments.
Read next: Before and After a Chemical Peel: What to Expect + Photos
This review is so thorough and insightful! It’s great to see an honest take on the CurrentBody Skin LED Light Therapy Mask, especially with detailed before-and-after photos and a breakdown of what worked well and what didn’t. Your skepticism initially and then your genuine surprise at the results make the review feel very trustworthy. It’s helpful to know that consistent use is key to seeing benefits. Thank you for sharing your experience!