Joanna of “A Stylish Love Story”

Joanna of “A Stylish Love Story” is this month’s Featured Fashionista! A Stylish Love Story is a gorgeous blog that showcases Joanna’s incredible fashion tips and stunning outfit photos.
I love following Joanna’s blog to see which beautiful ensemble she will create next. Joanna is also a very talented writer, and has a gift for connecting with her readers in her blog posts. Oh, and did I mention, A Stylish Love Story is easily one of the most professional looking blogs I have come across? (You’ll see what I mean as you go through this feature!)
Q&A With Joanna
Tell me about yourself.
Joanna: Hmm…I am obsessed with clothes, accessories, and anything vintage. I absolutely adore antique furniture…and cats of course haha. I love those little furballs! I might be addicted to coffee and I love designing clothes when I am not working, blogging, or shopping.
I was born and raised in California. My mother was a theatrical woman. She influenced me a great deal. I grew up in a household where a focus on singing, dancing, and imagination was encouraged.
By the time I reached high school, I leaned a little towards a gothic style and to this day really enjoy wearing dark lipstick, dark nail polish, and lace clothing. Eventually, I expanded my wardrobe to include more professional attire and started to really enjoy wearing classic polished pieces throughout my college years. However, vintage dresses are what I have been collecting since high school.
Currently, I work full-time, run this blog, and commute two hours a day in traffic hell.
What will readers find when they visit “A Stylish Love Story?”
Joanna: First of all, I have to give credit where credit is due. Franz Swantko is an outstanding, professional, and talented photographer! He is a big part of helping to create captivating photos for A Stylish Love Story. Also, working with various professional hair and make-up artists showcases different looks in other aspects as well. I am not the best in the hair and make-up department, so collaborating in these areas allows me to focus on everything else. As for style, I hope my readers will find it inspirational and authentic. I hope they can also see how passionate I am about creating each post as a visually artistic piece. Additionally, I hope that readers who come to visit will also leave with a positive message. I try to do “Meaningful Monday” posts occasionally, because I feel it’s important to try to make whatever you do in life–meaningful.
What inspired you to create A Stylish Love Story? What inspired the pretty name?
Joanna: I felt unfulfilled. I had done everything my parents wanted me to do. I went to college, received a degree, and started working, but I still felt a bit empty. I was looking for a way to create and express myself through personal style, but at the same time I wanted to give back to the community of women who helped me through tough situations in my life. I felt that the only way to do this was to pay it forward. One of the key focus areas of my blog is not only style inspiration, but helping other people through support for a positive body-image and embracing all body types. The name “A Stylish Love Story” was inspired by my love for style.
What do you hope the future holds for A Stylish Love Story?
Joanna: I hope to inspire and encourage others to develop their own sense of personal style and to promote positivity. My blog is still new, so I am open to the possibilities.
What is your favorite post you have done so far and why?
Joanna: Probably, the “Artsy Los Angeles” post. It was meant to encourage people to pursue their artistic passions in life and to take the time to make art. Creating art has so many benefits and allows people to freely express themselves and I believe that’s a good thing.
Do you have any advice you would like to share for someone looking to start their own blog?
Joanna: I admire all of you out there who are doing everything yourself. I completely respect that. When I started this blog, I kept telling myself to just do what you can. This is supposed to be a fun venture, not a stressful one. You don’t have to worry about all of the details at the beginning. It’s okay to ask for help until you can learn to do it all on your own. Also, don’t look to the left or right to see what other bloggers are doing and try to emulate them, or you will lose sight of what it is you are supposed to do, which is showcase your own personal style.
How do you put together such lovely and polished photos?
Joanna: I enjoy collaborating with talented artists and spend a lot of time choosing outfits and accessories. It takes about a week or two to style everything in advance and scout locations. Additionally, I coordinate hair, makeup, and photography. I have to do a lot of photos on the weekends since I work a full-time job.
How would you describe your personal style?
Joanna: Feminine, romantic, and eclectic. A friend once looked in my closet and said, “Your clothes are a bit costumey” (haha). I truly believe personal style should be a fun way to express yourself.
If you had to pick, what would you say your favorite outfit is?
Joanna: Oh, that’s a difficult one, I don’t think I could pick just one. I think it would have to be somewhere in my vintage collection. However, I have this constant evolving love affair with vintage and new clothes haha.
What are your go-to clothing stores?
Joanna: Online stores, vintage boutiques, small boutiques, large department stores, and resale boutiques. I shop in all types of stores because it exposes me to a larger variety of clothing, designers, and different price points. Also, you never know what you will find. It’s always an adventure!
Have you always been so fashion forward?
Joanna: I am so flattered! Hmm…does my gothic and grunge school days count? I used to wear orthopedic shoes, which looked like tan leather Mary Janes with some awesome jagged rubber platforms on the bottom (which I liked because they made me taller). I learned to embrace these shoes and worked it into my style, but I don’t think they were very fashion forward. To be quite honest, I just wear what I love.
Do you have any style tips you would like to share with my readers for achieving such chic looks?
Joanna: Wear clothes that make you feel good. Choose colors that make you smile and compliment your skin tone. When in doubt, wear something basic with an accessory that you love. Finding the perfect belts can transform any outfit. Adding a little bit of makeup can elevate your overall look. You don’t have to commit to one style for the rest of your life, it’s okay to change it up from day to day, season to season, and year to year.
Could you tell us a little about your fur baby?
Joanna: I adopted her. She was a rescue from the streets. I have a weakness for cats. She is a spoiled little cat and is very feisty and likes to play.
Any final thoughts you would like to add?
Thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts with your readers Lindsey! I feel so honored and flattered.
Don’t be afraid to wear what you love! Don’t let anyone stop you from doing what you love! Most importantly, remember that every woman is beautiful, and that means the woman staring back at you in the mirror! Yeah, you! Beauty shines through from the inside out.
You can follow Joanna on:
Featured Fashionistas is a section I’ve added to Have Clothes, Will Travel that will highlight one lovely, fashionable lady each month. The Featured Fashionista can have a business, blog, etc. they would like to share with my readers, or just a love of fashion, or all of the above! If you would like to be my next Featured Fashionista click here, and tell me a little about yourself.
I seriously adore this girl! She’s not only stunning, but has such great style and a wicked personality. Really glad to see her on your blog:-).
She sure is all of the above! Glad to hear you enjoyed her feature, Ela! 🙂
Great interview! 🙂
Really love her style and attitude! 🙂
YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
Thank you so much, Natassia! Definitely check out Joanna’s blog – you’ll love it!
I adore Joanna, her style and positivity! She is one stunning, hardworking woman filled with beauty inside and out and a heart filled with gold! Loved getting to Joanna more from this post, just brightened my day!
That’s great to hear! I’m so glad you enjoyed her interview – Joanna is fantastic!
Lovely feature of a lovely lady. I enjoyed reading this very much.
Thank you, Mona! That’s great to hear! 🙂
Im so Glad you highlighted Joanna! I love her blog and how inspirational she is. A truly beautiful woman on the inside and out.
Thank you, Amanda! I’m so glad you enjoyed learning more about Joanna as much as I did. 🙂
I wrote a comment but I don’t think it went through…the short of is that I love Joanna’s blog and this was a great read on her! She seems like a super lovely and grounded lady! XO
Oh no, you’re not the first one to say their comments weren’t going through. I’ll have to look into this…But anyways, I agree! I loved learning more about Joanna! She’s such a sweetheart. 🙂