10 of the Weirdest Movies Ever Made
While some people love a good rom-com or action-packed blockbuster, a special group of us crave that eerie, “what the heck is happening” kind of movie. The ones where you find yourself whispering, “WHAT?” scene after scene because you honestly have no idea what’s going on or where it’s headed next.
I’ve always had a soft spot for weird, unsettling, and mind-bending movies. You know, the ones that really push you out of your comfort zone? Art is not always meant to be easy, and sometimes, the films that make us squirm are the ones that help us process the world and reflect on society’s darker side—and even the shadows within ourselves.
If you’re into world cinema’s masters of weirdness, you’ve probably come across names like Yorgos Lanthimos, David Lynch, David Cronenberg, or Jodorowsky. These filmmakers are pros at creating surreal stories that might seem impossible to understand at first—until they click, and suddenly you’re like, “10/10, no question.” Or, they remain bizarrely entertaining nonsense (but still fun).
According to an online message board, these are the trippy movies that will leave you thinking long after the credits roll. Maybe you’ll find your next favorite from this list!
Inland Empire
If you’ve seen David Lynch’s work–like Twin Peaks or Mullholand Drive– you know his stories are out there. But Inland Empire takes weirdness to a new level. If you grasp even a bit of the plot, count yourself lucky!
It starts as a mystery but quickly turns into a bizarre journey with characters switching identities, creepy figures hiding in plain sight, and a strange sitcom with rabbits. Spoiling this movie is impossible—even if you explained it all, you still might not understand it!
Naked Lunch
Based on the William S. Burroughs book of the same name, Naked Lunch follows Bill Lee, a drug addict who gets pulled into the strange world of Interzone, filled with talking bugs and creepy conspiracies. His wife Joan hooks up with the bug killer he works with. Then, in a weird twist, Interzone tells Bill he has to kill his wife to protect himself. When he does, the story parallels the real-life author’s dark past, and the movie shifts to a strange, dreamlike world.
Did you follow that plot? Probably not! It’s strange, maddening, and often incomprehensible. You’ll likely need to watch it a few times to really get it, but it’s definitely not one for family movie night!
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Although I actually loved the heartbreaking yet strange story of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, it’s a lot to digest with eccentric effects, like actors’ faces disappearing, eyes rotating, and memories flipping from old to new. It’s a mix of sci-fi and psychological thriller, written by Charlie Kaufman, a guy known for bizarre scripts, and directed by Michel Gondry, a guy known for weird films.
It’s definitely not your typical break-up movie, but it’s beautiful. It teaches you that the good moments are real and worth cherishing no matter how a relationship ends up.
Eraserhead is the second of Lynch’s films to make this list, but honestly, his whole catalog could probably fill this list. Lynch’s first feature film, released in 1977, is also incredibly strange, but perhaps in a more visceral and nightmarish way.
The plot is far from conventional, making it difficult to give you a proper synopsis. If you still don’t get the movie even after watching it, people say it captures the feeling of deep depression, an unhappy marriage, and an unwanted child. It’s surrealism at its most intense, and if you’re up for a movie that might just mess with your head, this one’s for you!
In this film, Dae-Su, a rowdy drunk, finds himself abducted off the street and imprisoned in a cell for 15 years. With only a TV for company and occasional drug-induced blackouts, his world is a dark, twisted nightmare. Then, he’s suddenly released and must track down his mysterious captor.
Watching this film will have you looking away a few times and maybe spend a couple of days digging the internet for some clues to understand the film better. The ending will leave you reeling and wondering what you just watched!
The Lobster
The Lobster, starring Colin Farrel, is a bizarre, dark satire that pokes fun at modern relationships and society’s pressures. In this dystopian future, single people must find a partner or get turned into an animal of their choice. The story follows a divorced man on a desperate quest to find love in this twisted world.
As one commenter put it, “It’s almost impossible to ‘get’ the movie because it’s just so painful to watch.” If you’re into hard sci-fi with logical explanations, this movie will throw you off—there’s no clear reason why things are the way they are!
Kinds of Kindness
Kinds of Kindness, with Emma Stone and Willem Dafoe, is strange and offbeat, offering more underneath than what meets the eye.
It follows three stories: a man trying to take control of his life, a cop whose wife feels like a stranger, and a woman searching for someone with a unique ability. This anthology film is a captivating mess with top-notch performances. But don’t expect easy answers—this film keeps you at arm’s length, leaving you both intrigued and baffled.
The Holy Mountain
It’s called The Holy Mountain, though some call it “The Height of Silliness.” The film follows a loin-clothed Jesus lookalike who escapes a corrupt city by climbing a massive tower. There, he meets an alchemist who turns his excrement into gold (yes, really), preparing him for a wild quest to find the Holy Mountain. He’s joined by representatives from each planet in the Solar System, and they journey to Lotus Island, seeking immortality.
Is it weird? Absolutely. It’s as bizarre with avant-garde, sacrilegious imagery that’ll leave you feeling a mix of disgust and awe.
Beau is Afraid
Beau is Afraid is one of those films you want people to experience, but realistically, you’d only recommend it to a handful of open-minded people. It’s a lot to take in all at once.
The story follows a quiet man dealing with anxiety through therapy who suddenly embarks on a chaotic and emotional journey to get home to his mother. Joaquin Phoenix plays Beau, who will hold your attention for the entire three-hour runtime, but by the end, you’ll likely feel a mix of exhaustion, confusion, and maybe even a little giddiness.
I’m not entirely sure how to feel about Possessor, but it definitely deserves a spot on this list of weird movies. Directed by Brandon Cronenberg, it’s a sci-fi horror about Tasya Vos, a woman who remotely controls people’s bodies to carry out assassinations. It’s as chaotic as it sounds.
Fascinating yet exhausting to watch, this film digs deep into themes of autonomy and identity, all while hitting you with intense violence. And trust me, you’ll want the uncut version—it’s brutal and not for the faint of heart.
Source: Reddit
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