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10 of Gen Z’s Most Boomer Complaints About Modern Society

A dejected young asian woman gives the thumb down sign while sipping on milk tea. Possible negative review or rejection.
Photo credit: MDV Edwards // Shutterstock.com

Everyone from Millennials to Gen Alpha pokes fun at older folks with their patented “Ok boomer” refrain. Even though Generation Z (a.k.a. Zoomers) consists of younger people born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s, they might have more in common with boomers born between 1946 and 1964 than they realize.

Boomers tend to have a long list of complaints about how things work today, and honestly, some of their grievances make sense. What’s funny is that some younger folks have the same issues! 

It might be because we’re all a little nostalgic for simpler times when tech wasn’t in every corner of our lives. We love to joke about how “back in the day” things were just… better. Despite growing up in this digital age, even Zoomers have their share of frustrations with how modern life works. It turns out that what Gen Z is griping about today sounds like it came from a boomer! 

Modern Cars

Houston TX, USA - 10-1-2023: A white Tesla (electric vehicle) cruising near Herman Park.
Photo credit: Artistic Operations // Shutterstock.com

It’s true modern cars need less maintenance and last way longer. Thirty years ago, reaching 200K miles was unthinkable, but now it’s possible. Still, you can’t blame boomers for complaining about newer cars.

Boomers want simple cars that can be fixed with a few junk parts. They’re not fans of touchscreens, digital gauges, or keyfobs. Most older folks prefer real knobs and buttons, not a tech-heavy dashboard. Surprisingly, some Gen Z car lovers agree. When their touch screens freeze or the dashboard computer is glitchy, they wish they had climate control and radio dials without dealing with a screen!

QR Code Menus

Closeup image of customer scanning QR code in cafe to downloadu
Photo credit: Dragon Images // Shutterstock.com

QR code menus really took over the restaurant world during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic due to concerns over menu cleanliness. Naturally, digital menus are cheaper and easier for restaurants, so most of them stayed after the world returned to normal post-pandemic.

Both baby boomers and Gen Z agree they want the old-school, physical menus we’ve had for ages. It’s understandable. It’s so much easier to see all your food options in front of you on a menu without having to press different buttons or scroll endlessly. 

Teens Being Loud in Public Spaces

Teenagers screaming and covering their ears as the sound being too loud
Photo credit: Pressmaster // Shutterstock.com

As a millennial, I assume Gen Zers are the loud ones in public spaces, but I forget that this demographic is in their 20s now. It turns out that Zoomers are just as annoyed as Boomers when Gen Alpha teens blast music on their phones for the whole bus to endure. 

Then there are the teenagers at a cafe who think they’re in their own world while they talk loudly and cackle together. Even if you’re not a boomer, being around a bunch of noisy kids can be irritating!

They Don’t Make Things Like They Used To

Vintage retro kitchen with green pattern tiles, american retro kitchen home interior design 70's 80's style close-up. retro background
Photo credit: A-photographyy // Shutterstock.com

Have you ever heard your parents or grandparents say, “They don’t make things like they used to”? Even some younger generations think products from decades ago are more durable than their modern counterparts. 

It’s not surprising because once in a while, you get to hear people bragging about their hand-me-down washers or ovens from the ’90s, still running with just a few minor repairs. Or maybe a fridge or oven from the ’70s that’s practically a family heirloom, outliving everyone!

Virtually Unrestricted Access to the Internet

Over shoulder closeup view man IT coder programmer software engineer use laptop computer typing code develop program programming java language application on screen web system app development concept.
Editorial credit: Ground Picture / Shutterstock.com

Plenty of Zoomers would agree this is a classic boomer complaint. You always hear them say how young people today can’t just sit still, relax, and enjoy the moment—it’s always nonstop! Of course, they blame smartphones and constant internet access.

Although Gen Zers grew up with technology, many of them don’t feel chained to their phones. If you grew up spending time outdoors, doing physical activities, and talking face-to-face, you’d also think people miss out on real-life experiences with their eyes glued to their devices.

People Are Too Sensitive Nowadays

Portrait of Sad Crying Woman being Harrased and Bullied by Her Partner. Couple Arguing and Fighting Violently. Domestic Violence and Emotional Abuse. Rack Focus with Boyfriend Screaming in Backgroun
Photo credit: Gorodenkoff // Shutterstock.com

Gen Z has grown up surrounded by sociopolitical issues everywhere. They thrive in a more diverse and inclusive society where talking about mental health, social justice, and personal experiences is encouraged.

In contrast, Boomers were raised in a more reserved culture. That’s why they often grumble about people being too sensitive today. Interestingly, some younger folks also believe in becoming more resilient for their own sake. It’s great that we’re standing up to prejudice, but there’s still room for some leeway and humor!

Banning TikTok

Tiktok on mobile phone Screen. Young woman holding a Smart Phone with Tik Tok app. ROSARIO, ARGENTINA -MARCH 15, 2023.
Photo credit: Alex Photo Stock // Shutterstock.com

Boomers really worry about TikTok. They often say the younger generation is “too busy” to hang out with friends but always finds time for five hours on the app.

Surprisingly, many twentysomethings feel the same way! In fact, a study found that 62% of 18- to 24-year-olds support banning TikTok. Some even argue that it makes this generation both the least informed and yet the most confident in their opinions.

Asking For Your Social Media Profile

PALO ALTO, CA - DEC 16: Facebook's massive overhaul to user profiles, dubbed Timeline, is now available for the social networks more than 800 million users worldwide on Dec 16, 2011 in Palo Alto, Ca
Editorial credit: Annette Shaff / Shutterstock.com

You know you’re starting to sound like the older generation when you complain about how everyone asks for your social media profile. Even some Gen Z people who usually don’t use these platforms get annoyed by it.

The truth is some people prefer texting to messaging on social media. Sometimes, it’s just nicer to keep things personal and offline.

Background Music in Restaurants and Stores

London, UK - September 03, 2021: View from outside of people sitting inside Eataly, a 42,000 square Italian food market in Broadgate that includes restaurants, cookery school and market.
Photo credit: Alena Veasey // Shutterstock.com

Yep, it’s not just boomers who are fed up. Even Gen Z gets annoyed with the super loud background music in restaurants and stores. You can probably relate if you’ve been to Chipotle trying to eat a burrito in peace while club music blares.

Sure, I get it’s a tactic to get people to eat and leave faster, but come on! Can’t we just enjoy our meals without shouting over the music? It’d be nice to actually hear your friends instead of battling the soundtrack!

Video Games

Man in living room playing video games on gaming PC at computer desk, enjoying day off from work. Gamer battling enemies in online multiplayer shooter from neon lights ornate home
Photo credit: DC Studio // Shutterstock.com

Another Gen Z complaint is that video games have changed way too much. You need to buy consoles, games, subscriptions, and all those extra downloads. It’s just a headache!

Boomers and Gen Z can both agree—it was way easier back in the day. You’d buy a game cartridge, pop it in, and start playing. Now it feels like a whole production! It’s also super frustrating to buy a game only to find it’s full of bugs. And don’t even get me started on needing everyone online just to play together!

Source: Reddit

14 Things That All Americans Agree On, From Boomers to Gen Z

High angle view of happy multi ethnic people holding American flag
Editorial credit: sirtravelalot / Shutterstock.com

In a time of great division and disagreement, it may seem difficult to find common ground among Americans. However, amidst the varying opinions and contrasting ideologies, there are still a few fundamental principles that unite the majority of Americans. Regardless of political affiliation, age, ethnicity, or background, there are certain values and beliefs that resonate with people across the country. In this article, we will explore 14 things that all Americans can agree on!

Read more: 14 Things That All Americans Agree On, From Boomers to Gen Z

10 Things That Are Likely To Die Out With Boomers

Death, funeral and family touching coffin in a church, sad and unhappy while gathering to say farewell. Church service casket and sad man and woman looking upset while greeting, goodbye and rip
Editorial credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A / Shutterstock.com

Will boomers be the last generation able to buy homes on a blue-collar salary? Are they the final ones to learn cursive? Find out what other things will die out with the boomer generation, according to message board users.

Read more: 10 Things That Are Likely To Die Out With Boomers

10 Positive Traits Younger Generations Can Learn from Boomers

neighbors middle aged man and woman chatting near the fence in the village
Photo credit: Caftor // Shutterstock.com

From resilience and work ethic to community engagement and resourcefulness, these qualities serve as valuable lessons for a brighter future and foster intergenerational collaboration.

Read more: 10 Positive Traits Younger Generations Can Learn from Boomers

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